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The Foil Printing Co Discount Code
6 October 2020
The Foil Printing Co Discount Code

You Scratch Our Back, We'll Scratch Yours

Want to help us shape our offerings to you? From time to time we do customer surveys with the chance to win store vouchers or free delivery for everyone. We're not huge fans of discounts since we'd rather give you the best price upfront, but we do value our customer's thoughts so we will give back for giving us your feedback. Check back regularly for new surveys.

Foil Printing Discount Code

We understand, when searching for the best price and quality foiled prints, you may search for a foil printing discount code. That will mean a better deal, right? Well, most likely, the answer is no. We don't actually offer customers a voucher code because we prefer to keep our prices consistently competitive.

Many of our competitors, especially those named after the sound a cow make offer discount codes or latest deals, so why don’t we? There is a very simple reason - inflated prices = fake discounts.

Compare Print Prices

We much prefer to offer you an excellent, fair and transparent price. We invite you to compare our prices and services with our competitors because we believe you will still choose us. Many competitors only offer you a small discount as they are a lot more expensive in the first place.

For example, an average order of 150-200 foiled business cards with us costs around $70, with our main competitor this would be $130. So even with the discount code, they still are more expensive.

Card Machine With Long Reciept

Does More Expensive Mean Better Quality?

Remember, it is not just about the price though, is it?

Ensure you read reviews and compare quality. Order a sample pack and feel for yourself the quality of the products you are buying. Why? Because that's exactly what your customers will do!

We believe we offer you value in the truest sense, as we want to help your company achieve your objectives in their entirety. It is not as simple as choosing the cheapest option. Investment in the right foiled business cards will produce much better results in the long run and we are here to help you do that.

Foil Print Sample Pack

Why Do Some Foil Printing Companies Offer Discounts?

The reason is quite interesting actually!

Sales tactics rely on manipulating human psychology. Principally, the fear of missing out. Discounts are often time-limited or one-offs. They are designed to make you believe you will miss out if you don’t buy quickly.

The discount makes you believe you are getting a superior product for a lower price. However, is it a lower price? Sometimes not. We don't agree with that and think our products and value should speak for themselves.

Cheap Foil Printing

You may be researching how to get foil printing produced cheaply. It is possible to use a desktop printer and attempt foiling yourself. However, the results tend to be inconsistent and the foiling poor.

We use the latest foiling technology to ensure consistently high quality, lasting finish. Our commercial-grade foilers are specifically designed with high heat and pressure to produce a depth of color and quality you won’t achieve at home.

Cheap Foil Printing With Woman & Credit Card

You're A Valuable Customer

We really want you as a loyal customer. Which is why we feel it’s important you know you mean a lot to us. We do this by offering consistent prices; that isn’t based on who you are or what your business does.

We make our prices clear, fair and consistent. We want to become a trusted brand and make you our advocate for foil printing.

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